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'Primum non nocerum', first do no harm
- Hippocratic Oath.
 An oath taken by modern day Medical Herbalists at the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH).

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Jemma Ward

Medical Herbalist, MNIMH.

I live in Forest Row, a small village in East Sussex, surrounded by the Ashdown Forest also known as 'Winnie the Pooh's country'. I work in a multidisciplinary health clinic at The Anderida Practice to support health and wellbeing within the community. I specialize in supporting women and men's health and use plant medicine to target specific conditions. I work using preventative and supportive health care measures using the Western Herbal Medicine approach.


I enjoy working with different people over the years to assist both common and complex conditions: BPH, IBS, IBD, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular problems & fibromyalgia to mention a few conditions that I commonly see in clinical practice. I love preparing herbal prescriptions at home in my apothecary and creating individualized treatment plans for my patients. My soul aim is to incorporate plants and encourage you to build your own personal relationship to plants and initiate self care practices, for health and wellbeing


Children are most welcome for Herbal Medicine treatment and in most cases I work with one parent consecutively. 

I am a professional member of The National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) the longest standing herbal association in the Great Britain originating in 1864.  I am passionate about continuing my continuing professional development in Herbal Medicine.


 At 18 years old I worked and travelled abroad teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). An avid traveller, my travels to South-East Asia, China, Japan, Australia and Bali sparked an interest in Phytotherapy/Herbal Medicine and I realized that this would become my vocation.


There is so much knowledge that our ancestors used out of necessity, that we can restore, relearn and incorporate into our modern lives as a great privilege.


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About me


I completed the first year of my herbal degree studies at Westminster University in London 20 years ago. I was privileged to work at Napiers Herbal Healthcare Goodge Street, in London and until recently at Hamblys Natural Health Centre, in Wadhurst. Both experiences were educational and supportive to my herbal studies. 


I had the great fortune to be taught by the late Christopher Hedley and many other great herbalists that are still alive today. I remember as busy, somewhat stressed, intensely studious mini-herbalists Christopher Hedley would remind us to 'Have fun and listen to the plants!' Literally taking us to Regents Park to complete our task. I became pregnant with my first child and decided to move out of the city. My studies took on a somewhat unconventional, domestic and practical approach. I used herbs in pregnancy and childbirth and for minor childhood illnesses.


 I am now  a qualified practitioner member of The National Institute of Medical Herbalists ( 

I have a valid DBS certificate and am fully insured to practice the art and science of Western Herbal Medicine.


I have  delivered practical workshops for students of the Tribe Yoga School International entitled 'The Yoga of Herbs for Yogi's' and 'Supportive Herbal Heart Practices'. I have presented Herb Walks and Herb Talks for The Tribe Yoga School in India, Austria and in the UK. I enjoy teaching basic botany, 'Making & Taking' workshops and herb walks incorporating ID and plant safety for home-educated children within my local area. Please contact me via email for further details.

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Early Days

Early Days

I was born in 1975 in the city of London, UK. To a Southern Irish mother and a Jamaican father. An unconventional pairing at the time. I was lucky enough to grow up in a busy household with five healthy and enigmatic siblings. We had many pets (as was quite the norm in the nineteen-eighties!) this beginning and a wholefoods diet ensured a healthy microbiome. I lived a robust healthy family life. With a great expanse of freedom, concealed to many children today.


I had a good education and have always enjoyed studying. As a child I loved reading and playing chess at county level, I loved horse riding and baking cakes.  During my childhood the herbs that I knew of were: dandelions, daisies, strawberry's, mint and nettle: nettle hair rinses, and homemade mint vinegar were a part of everyday home life. My father made us steam inhalations and gave us 'Cerosee tea' if we ever were ill. An intensely bitter experience, known as 'Bush tea'. A potent depurative, detoxifying blend not for the faint hearted! 


All of the common plants that some people consider weeds are to a herbalist plant-power houses; full of reliable and rich medicine. Start your plant journey today with Jemma at Tribe Herbs.

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Steiner Teacher

Steiner Teacher & Home Educator

I trained  as  a Steiner Kindergarten Teacher at Steiner House in London with Lynne Oldfield in 2010.  I immersed in anthroposophical studies to I continued to follow a Waldorf Inspired Homeschooling Approach supported by Imogen Fredrickson to educate my children. I appreciated learning about  Rudolf Steiner's influence on many systems of health. biodynamic farming, homeopathy, anthroposophical medicine. The revolutionary philosopher and teacher Rudolf Steiner was quoted as saying:

"For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure".


I have learnt so much about relating to the natural world, myth, fairytale and folklore  from having my own children.  I am pleased to share my understanding of the natural world with all children.


"You will not be good teachers if you focus only on what you do and not upon who you are." - Rudolf Steiner.

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Marble Surface

"There is little value in knowing plants, animals and minerals unless one can find the stars working in every one of them"

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925).

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